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Month: December 2023

La nube de polvo “the Brick” está en el centro de nuestra galaxia y un nuevo hallazgo puede ayudar a desbloquear sus misterios

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN) — Una nube de polvo opaco que se encuentra en el centro de nuestra galaxia ha dejado perplejos a los científicos durante mucho tiempo, y las observaciones que revelan nuevos detalles sobre su composición profundizan el misterio, posiblemente alterando lo que se sabe sobre cómo se forman las estrellas. Anteriormente

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¿Por qué tiembla tanto en México?

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNNEspañol) — Los sismos son un fenómeno común en México, pues el país está ubicado en una zona de “alta sismicidad”, según el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Allí interactúan cinco placas tectónicas: la de Norteamérica, la de Cocos, la del Pacífico, la de Rivera y la placa del Caribe. MIRA:  Sismo de magnitud 5,8

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New US-Mexico agreement to monitor foreign investments comes as more Chinese money flows into Mexico

By MARIA VERZA and FATIMA HUSSEIN Associated Press MEXICO CITY (AP) — The United States and Mexico have agreed to monitor foreign investments and regularly share information about the screening process. Announcement of the deal Thursday in Mexico City comes as more Chinese money is flowing into Mexico. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the

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‘Completely ignored’: Why health problems caused by childbirth are neglected

By Jessie Gretener, CNN (CNN) — Expansive new research says that more than a third of women globally experience lasting health problems caused by childbirth, saying the conditions are often “neglected” and “ignored.” The study, published Wednesday in The Lancet Global Health, is a call to action to better the quality of life for women in the months and years after birth. The study, which examined health

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2 men fined after pleading guilty in connection with Kiski River alligator sightings

By MADELINE BARTOS Click here for updates on this story     LEECHBURG, Pennsylvania (KDKA) — Two men connected to several alligator sightings along the Kiski River this year were ordered to pay fines after pleading guilty. Austin Randall and Dominic Hayward both pleaded guilty to violating rules and regulations of the transportation and sale of fish.

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Ex-Philadelphia labor leader convicted of embezzling from union to pay for home renovations, meals

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Longtime former Philadelphia labor leader John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty and a codefendant have been convicted of using more than $650,000 in union funds for their personal use. It’s the second conviction that federal prosecutors have secured against the long-powerful figure since a sweeping 2019 indictment. Dougherty led Local 98 of the International

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