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Month: September 2023

Armenia PM takes swipe at Russia as first civilians leave breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh

By Radina Gigova, Martin Goillandeau and Hafsa Khalil, CNN (CNN) — Armenia’s prime minister has called his country’s security relationships “ineffective,” in a swipe at Russia after Azerbaijan claimed the breakaway province of Nagorno-Karabakh following a swift military campaign. Armenia is part of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), a Russian-dominated group of six post-Soviet

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No es Italia y tampoco Francia: este país es el que tiene más restaurantes entre los 50 mejores del mundo

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN) — No estarías muy lejos si adivinaras que Italia o Francia son los países con más restaurantes entre los “50 Mejores del Mundo” de este 2023. Pero no, esa distinción es para España, donde seis restaurantes fueron galardonados este verano en la lista de 2023. (Italia tiene cinco y Francia cuatro, al

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Washington National Cathedral reveals new racial justice stained glass windows to replace those that honored Confederate generals

By Dakin Andone, CNN (CNN) — Washington National Cathedral on Saturday revealed four new “racial-justice themed” stained-glass windows to replace others honoring Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. The new windows are titled “Now and Forever” and show demonstrators during a march or protest. Some demonstrators carry signs that say “Fairness” and

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Opinion: The invasive species overrunning our habitats won’t be easy to dislodge. But there are a few things we can try

Opinion by Adam Larson (CNN) — There are hundreds of invasive species in the United States, although the spotted lanternfly is the only one I know of that has ever had its own segment on Saturday Night Live. People are probably familiar with them because they’re novel, easily recognizable and the average hiker or homeowner

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Ophelia continues weakening as it moves up the East Coast, bringing heavy rain from North Carolina to New Jersey

CNN By Nouran Salahieh, CNN (CNN) — Ophelia, now a post-tropical cyclone, continues to weaken as it moves over the mid-Atlantic Sunday, leaving nearly nine million people from Long Island to Southern Maryland under coastal flood alerts. Areas from eastern Pennsylvania to just south of Long Island could see heavy rainfall Sunday, potentially leading to

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A Kremlin critic was transferred to a Siberian prison and placed in a ‘punishment cell,’ lawyer says

By DASHA LITVINOVA Associated Press TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — An imprisoned Russian opposition figure has been transferred to a maximum security prison in Siberia and was placed in a tiny “punishment cell.” That’s according to the lawyer for 42-year-old Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr. Kara-Murza earlier this year was convicted of treason for publicly denouncing Russia’s war

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Iran’s president defends uranium enrichment after Europeans ‘trampled on their commitments’

By Nadeen Ebrahim, CNN (CNN) — Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has defended his country’s enrichment of uranium to near weapons-grade levels, claiming it was a response to European states not living up to their end of the 2015 nuclear agreement. “In the beginning, we were not seeking 60% levels of enrichment. They (European states) trampled

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He spoke no English, had no lawyer. An Afghan man’s case offers a glimpse into US immigration court

By JULIE WATSON Associated Press The Afghan man speaks only Farsi, but he wasn’t worried about representing himself in U.S. immigration court. He believed the details of his asylum claim spoke for themselves. Mohammad was a university professor, teaching human rights courses in Afghanistan before he fled for the United States. Mohammad is also Hazara,

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Catalogan como “inaceptable” a operador de autobús implicado en accidente mortal de Nueva York tras no superar varias inspecciones de seguridad

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN) — La compañía de transporte propietaria del autobús involucrado en un accidente fatal en Nueva York esta semana mientras llevaba estudiantes de secundaria a un campamento de banda fue catalogada como un “operador inaceptable” por el estado después de fallar varias inspecciones de seguridad desde 2022. Los registros del Departamento de Transporte

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First refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh arrive in Armenia following Azerbaijan’s military offensive

By AVET DEMOURIAN Associated Press YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Officials in Armenia say the first refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh have arrived in the country following a two-day military offensive by Azerbaijan. More are expected to come after a 10-month blockade of the breakaway region and the offensive that resulted in Azerbaijan reclaiming full control of it.

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