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Month: August 2023

When it comes to the Hollywood strikes, it’s not just the entertainment industry that’s being hurt

By KRYSTA FAURIA Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — The company had struggled for years, tossed around by pandemic-induced production shutdowns that began in March 2020. Last year, though, business for Valentino’s Costume Group had finally picked back up. Hoping to capitalize on that good fortune, the shop moved in January to a North Hollywood

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“Aún vivo y retorciéndose”: médicos extraen por primera vez un gusano parásito de casi 8 cm del cerebro de una mujer

urielblanco (CNN) — Cuando una mujer australiana de 64 años ingresó en el hospital para someterse a una intervención quirúrgica cerebral, la doctora neurocirujana Hari Priya Bandi no esperaba extraer un gusano parásito vivo de casi 8 centímetros de largo que se retorcía entre sus pinzas. “Solo me había cruzado con gusanos gracias a mis

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