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Month: July 2023

Pope’s pick to handle sex abuse allegations has refused to believe some victims, US group says

By FRANCES D’EMILIO Associated Press ROME (AP) — A U.S.-based group that tracks how the Catholic hierarchy deals with allegations of sexual abuse by clergy says Pope Francis made a “troubling” choice in appointing an Argentine prelate to a powerful Vatican office that handles such cases. On Saturday, the Vatican announced the pontiff had picked

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The Biden administration guaranteed attorney access for all migrant screenings. Most don’t have it

By ELLIOT SPAGAT Associated Press SAN DIEGO (AP) — As the Biden administration prepared to launch speedy asylum screenings at Border Patrol holding facilities this spring , authorities pledged a key difference from a Trump-era version of the policy: Migrants would be guaranteed access to legal counsel. Nearly three months and thousands of screenings later,

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Despite promises, attorneys are scarce as the US resumes speedy asylum screenings at border

By ELLIOT SPAGAT Associated Press SAN DIEGO (AP) — As the Biden administration prepared to launch speedy asylum screenings at the border this spring, authorities pledged a key difference from a Trump-era version of the policy: Migrants would be guaranteed access to legal representation. Nearly three months and thousands of screenings later, the promise of

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