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Month: February 2023

Nursing staff and supporters march from University College Hospital to Downing Street on January 18

Britain’s NHS was once idolized. Now its worst-ever crisis is fueling a boom in private health care

By Hanna Ziady, CNN Tens of thousands of nurses and nearly 12,000 ambulance workers went on strike Monday over pay and working conditions in the biggest walkout in the 75-year history of Britain’s National Health Service (NHS). Escalating industrial action comes after years of falling wages, stretched budgets and staff shortages that have left the

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Nursing staff and supporters march from University College Hospital to Downing Street on January 18

Britain’s NHS was once idolized. Now its worst-ever crisis is fueling a boom in private health care

By Hanna Ziady, CNN Tens of thousands of nurses and nearly 12,000 ambulance workers went on strike Monday over pay and working conditions in the biggest walkout in the 75-year history of Britain’s National Health Service (NHS). Escalating industrial action comes after years of falling wages, stretched budgets and staff shortages that have left the

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Los republicanos de todo el país impulsan leyes para restringir los espectáculos “drag”

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Una serie de proyectos de ley, la mayoría en estados liderados por republicanos, buscan restringir o prohibir las actuaciones de “drags” en presencia de menores, parte de una lucha más amplia sobre un tema de guerra cultural en crecimiento. Los republicanos afirman que los espectáculos exponen a los menores a temas

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