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Month: August 2022

‘Five Days at Memorial’ takes a grim look back at Hurricane Katrina’s tragic toll

Review by Brian Lowry, CNN A grim reminder of the catastrophic institutional failures associated with Hurricane Katrina, “Five Days at Memorial” captures the personal toll and terrible choices made under the most adverse of conditions. Working backward from the 45 dead bodies discovered in Memorial Hospital, it’s a compelling fact-based look at those five days

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‘Five Days at Memorial’ takes a grim look back at Hurricane Katrina’s tragic toll

Review by Brian Lowry, CNN A grim reminder of the catastrophic institutional failures associated with Hurricane Katrina, “Five Days at Memorial” captures the personal toll and terrible choices made under the most adverse of conditions. Working backward from the 45 dead bodies discovered in Memorial Hospital, it’s a compelling fact-based look at those five days

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The Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the planet, new research shows

By Rachel Ramirez, CNN As sea ice vanishes, Greenland melts and wildfires scorch the planet’s northernmost forests, new research confirms what scientists are sounding alarms about: the Arctic has warmed much faster than the rest of the world in the past several decades. The phenomenon, called Arctic amplification, is caused by the heat-trapping emissions from

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Departamento de Justicia acusa a ciudadano iraní de intentar asesinar a Bolton, exasesor de Seguridad Nacional de Trump

macamilarincon (CNN) — El Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. anunció cargos penales este miércoles contra un miembro del Cuerpo de la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica (IRGC, por sus siglas en inglés) de Irán por supuestamente tratar de orquestar el asesinato de John Bolton, quien ocupó altos cargos de Seguridad Nacional durante los gobierno de Trump y

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