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Month: August 2022

Pennsylvania governor issues executive order seeking to protect LGBTQ residents from conversion therapy

By Devan Cole, CNN Pennsylvania’s Democratic governor on Tuesday moved to protect LGBTQ residents from conversion therapy, issuing an executive order that compels state agencies to discourage the practice and bans taxpayer funds from being used to support it. “Conversion therapy is a traumatic practice based on junk science that actively harms the people it

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Por qué catalogar la viruela del mono como una enfermedad de transmisión sexual va más allá de una simple etiqueta

macamilarincon (CNN) — Una característica del brote actual de la viruela del mono es que la mayoría de los casos se han relacionado con la actividad sexual. Eso ha generado algo de debate sobre si se le debe describir como una enfermedad de transmisión sexual. Limitar el número de parejas sexuales y otras formas de

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Timeline: Liz Cheney’s political career, from Republican scion to champion of democracy

By Christopher Hickey, CNN A resounding defeat in Tuesday’s primary election marked the end of Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney’s time in Congress. Cheney has been one of former President Donald Trump’s biggest and most outspoken critics in the Republican Party. But on Tuesday night, the three-term conservative congresswoman conceded the race to Trump-endorsed attorney Harriet

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