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Month: June 2022

Varios jugadores de Tampa Bay Rays se niegan a usar logos alusivos a la comunidad LGTBQ en sus uniformes para la celebración de Pride, según informes

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN)– Varios jugadores de los Tampa Bay Rays no llevaron logotipos LGBTQ en sus uniformes para la celebración de la Noche del Orgullo (Pride Night) del equipo durante el partido del sábado contra los Chicago White Sox. Según el Tampa Bay Times, al menos cinco jugadores de béisbol de los Rays, los lanzadores

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Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill ruled that the upcoming state trial for former Minneapolis police officers Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng for their alleged role in George Floyd's killing has been moved to January 2023.

Trial of 2 former Minneapolis police officers charged in George Floyd’s killing delayed until next year

By Brad Parks The upcoming state trial for former Minneapolis police officers Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng for their alleged role in George Floyd’s killing has been moved to January 2023, Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill ruled Monday. Jury selection in the trial for Thao and Kueng, charged with aiding and abetting second-degree unintentional

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Priyanka Chopra denuncia el “vergonzoso” anuncio de un spray corporal indio que promueve la cultura de la violación

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN Business) —  Un anuncio de televisión de un spray corporal para hombres fue retirado del aire en la India, después de que los críticos dijeran que hacía referencia a la violación en grupo. Celebridades de Bollywood como Priyanka Chopra, Richa Chadha y Farhan Khan se encuentran entre los que han arremetido contra

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The International Atomic Energy Agency's Director General Rafael Grossi says Iran is only a few weeks away from having a "significant quantity of enriched uranium

Nuclear watchdog says Iran is a few weeks away from having a ‘significant quantity’ of enriched uranium

By Adam Pourahmadi and Jeremy Herb, CNN Iran is only a few weeks away from having a “significant quantity of enriched uranium,” the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Director General Rafael Grossi said on Monday. “Having a significant quantity does not mean having a bomb,” Grossi told a press conference following the start of the quarterly

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ANÁLISIS | El sangriento fin de semana en EE.UU. con más tiroteos masivos aumenta las apuestas en las conversaciones sobre armas del Senado

macamilarincon (CNN) — En Carolina del Sur y Texas, a las víctimas les dispararon en una fiesta de graduación de su escuela secundaria. En Kentucky, los asistentes a un funeral fueron atacados afuera de una iglesia. Múltiples atacantes acribillaron a balazos a una multitud en Filadelfia. En Chattanooga, Tennessee, los disparos ocurrieron en una discoteca.

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The Supreme Court declined to take up a case brought to it by a Missouri Republican Senate candidate and his wife

Supreme Court won’t review sanctions against GOP Senate candidate who pointed gun at racial justice protestors

By Tierney Sneed, CNN The Supreme Court declined on Monday to take up a case brought to it by a Missouri Republican Senate candidate and his wife, who were seeking review of the professional disciplinary action they faced, as lawyers, for pointing guns at racial justice protestors demonstrating outside their St. Louis home. There were

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A California court has ruled bees can legally be considered fish under specific circumstances and pictured a bumblebee pollinates a California Poppy

California bees can legally be fish and have the same protections, a court has ruled

By Zoe Sottile, CNN A fishy ruling from California: A California court has ruled bees can legally be considered fish under specific circumstances. The ruling, released May 31, reversed an earlier judgment which found bumblebees could not be considered “fish” under the California Endangered Species Act. “The issue presented here is whether the bumblebee, a

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