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Month: June 2022

La caminata nórdica supera al entrenamiento por intervalos para mejorar la función cardíaca, según un estudio

Alexandra Ferguson Nota del editor: Antes de empezar cualquier programa de ejercicios, consulta a tu médico. Detente de inmediato si sientes dolor. (CNN)– Si buscas una actividad cardiovascular que ponga a trabajar a tu corazón y mejore tu vida diaria, es probable que pienses inmediatamente en correr o el entrenamiento a intervalos, también conocido como

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The Supreme Court on June 30 sent three abortion-related cases back down to lower courts to be reconsidered now that the court has overturned Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court tells lower courts to reconsider disputes on abortion and guns after blockbuster decisions

By Tierney Sneed and Ariane de Vogue, CNN The Supreme Court on Thursday sent three abortion-related cases back down to lower courts to be reconsidered now that the court has overturned Roe v. Wade, ending constitutional protections to obtain an abortion. The move reflects the dramatically changed legal landscape around abortion after the new Supreme

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Supreme Court curbs EPA’s ability to fight climate change

By Ariane de Vogue, Ella Nilsen and Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN The Supreme Court curbed the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to broadly regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants, a major defeat for the Biden administration’s attempts to slash emissions at a moment when scientists are sounding alarms about the accelerating pace of global warming. In

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Sheboygan County DA becomes 1st in Wisconsin to say he will prosecute doctors accused of performing abortions

By Emilee Fannon Click here for updates on this story     SHEBOYGAN COUNTY, Wisconsin (WDJT) — Sheboygan County District Attorney Joel Urmanski says he will prosecute abortion providers if there’s an alleged violation against Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban. It comes as dozens of prosecutors across the country are pledging to not press charges in wake of

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