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Month: May 2022

German finance minister on Monday said Germany would agree any new sanctions on Russia with its partners in the European Union.

Germany will support an EU oil embargo on Russia

By Mark Thompson, CNN Business Germany is ready to support a European ban on imports of Russian oil, and won’t be “blackmailed” by Moscow into paying for natural gas in rubles. Speaking to CNN’s Julia Chatterley on Monday, finance minister Christian Lindner said Germany would agree any new sanctions on Russia with its partners in

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OPINIÓN | La moda de los zapatos feos

CNNEE Nota del editor: Mari Rodríguez Ichaso ha sido colaboradora de la revista Vanidades durante varias décadas. Es especialista en moda, viajes, gastronomía, arte, arquitectura y entretenimiento, productora de cine y columnista de estilo de CNN en Español. Las opiniones expresadas en esta columna son exclusivamente suyas. Lee más artículos de opinión en (CNN

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