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Month: April 2022

Cuando la URSS masacró 22.000 polacos en Katyn durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los enterró en fosas comunes

Germán Padinger (CNN Español) — Imágenes de civiles asesinados, sus cuerpos abandonados en las calles nevadas, y de fosas comunes repletas están emergiendo de la ciudad de Bucha, en Ucrania, que fue recientemente recapturada por fuerzas ucranianas tras permanecer un mes bajo el control de Rusia. La escena en Bucha y otras regiones de Ucrania

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Union organizer Christian Smalls (L) celebrates with Amazon workers following the April 1vote for the unionization of the Amazon Staten Island warehouse in New York.

Amazon warehouse workers in New York made history voting for a union. Here’s what could happen next

By Sara Ashley O’Brien, CNN Business After Christian Smalls was fired two years ago from an Amazon warehouse in New York City following his participation in a walkout over its pandemic response, an executive at the company suggested undercutting his organizing efforts by painting him as “not smart, or articulate.” When Smalls’ newly-established organization garnered

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Union organizer Christian Smalls (L) celebrates with Amazon workers following the April 1vote for the unionization of the Amazon Staten Island warehouse in New York.

Amazon warehouse workers in New York made history voting for a union. Here’s what could happen next

By Sara Ashley O’Brien, CNN Business After Christian Smalls was fired two years ago from an Amazon warehouse in New York City following his participation in a walkout over its pandemic response, an executive at the company suggested undercutting his organizing efforts by painting him as “not smart, or articulate.” When Smalls’ newly-established organization garnered

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Tuvo que huir de los nazis cuando era bebé. Ahora, esta sobreviviente ucraniana del Holocausto tiene que huir de su hogar de nuevo

Alexandra Ferguson Esta anciana de 82 años huyó de los nazis. Ahora escapa de los rusos 3:00 Cracovia, Polonia (CNN) —  En el exterior del Centro Comunitario Judío de la ciudad polaca de Cracovia, más de una docena de miembros esperan para recibir a su invitada de honor mientras cae la nieve. De una ambulancia

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