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Month: March 2022

Most people in the United States now live in counties where those who are healthy no longer need to wear masks.

These US counties still have ‘high’ Covid-19 levels as their states lift mask mandates, CNN analysis shows

By Jacqueline Howard and Virginia Langmaid, CNN Most people in the United States now live in counties where those who are healthy no longer need to wear masks, but there are still about 472 counties nationwide where mask-wearing is recommended, according to the latest data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Florida’s

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OPINIÓN | Soy una mujer negra, africana. Es hora de cambiar la narrativa racista en la cobertura de Ucrania

Alejandra Ramos Nota del editor: Moky Makura es la directora ejecutiva de Africa No Filter, un grupo que trabaja para cambiar las narrativas estereotipadas y dañinas alrededor y sobre África a través de la narración de historias y la construcción de comunidades. Las opiniones expresadas en este comentario son propias. Lee más artículos de opinión

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