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Month: February 2022

La Justicia de Nicaragua pone bajo arresto domiciliario por “razones humanitarias” a dos opositores detenidos

Ángela Reyes (CNN Español) — Edgar Francisco Parrales Castillo, exsacerdote y exrepresentante de Nicaragua ante la OEA, de 79 años, y el exdiplomático Mauricio José Díaz, de 71 años, continuarán los procesos judiciales que enfrentan “bajo arresto domiciliario con custodia policial”, según la nota de prensa que difundió el Ministerio Público de Nicaragua en la

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The Russian government moved to "partially restrict" Facebook access in the country on Friday after Russia's ministry of communications accused the social network of unlawful censorship.

Russia moves to ‘partially restrict’ Facebook access over censorship allegations

By Brian Fung, CNN Business The Russian government moved to “partially restrict” Facebook access in the country on Friday after Russia’s ministry of communications accused the social network of unlawful censorship. In a statement, ministry officials said Facebook had committed human rights violations and “violated the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens” when the social

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