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Month: February 2022

Students take welding lab classes at the new Advanced Technical Skills Institute at Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City

The US desperately needs skilled workers. But the community colleges that train them are woefully underfunded

By Alicia Wallace, CNN Business As America seeks to train workers for the hundreds of thousands of new infrastructure jobs that are being created, it will have to lean heavily on community colleges. But these workhorses of workforce development are facing some infrastructure issues of their own. Pandemic-related declines in enrollment, particularly in hands-on skilled

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Students take welding lab classes at the new Advanced Technical Skills Institute at Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City

The US desperately needs skilled workers. But the community colleges that train them are woefully underfunded

By Alicia Wallace, CNN Business As America seeks to train workers for the hundreds of thousands of new infrastructure jobs that are being created, it will have to lean heavily on community colleges. But these workhorses of workforce development are facing some infrastructure issues of their own. Pandemic-related declines in enrollment, particularly in hands-on skilled

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Encuentran esqueletos decapitados de ‘criminales’ romanos durante excavación ferroviaria en Inglaterra

Alejandra Ramos (CNN) — Se cree que unos 40 esqueletos decapitados desenterrados por un grupo de arqueólogos en el sur de Inglaterra pertenecen a “criminales” de la época romana, dicen los investigadores. Los esqueletos se encontraron cuando los arqueólogos del programa High Speed ​​2 de Inglaterra (HS2) descubrieron un cementerio romano tardío, que se cree

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