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Month: February 2022

Skier Darya Dolidovich has fled Belarus after being barred from competing in the Winter Olympics over accusations regarding her involvement with the country's opposition movement.

Belarusian skier flees to Poland after she was barred from Winter Olympics

By Hannah Ritchie and Mayumi Maruyama, CNN Skier Darya Dolidovich has fled Belarus after being barred from competing in the Winter Olympics over accusations regarding her involvement with the country’s opposition movement. The 17-year-old cross-country skier’s International Ski Federation (FIS) code — which is required for athletes to compete in events run by the governing

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¿Una planta nuclear en los Juegos Olímpicos? La historia detrás de esas torres llamativas en una de las sedes de Beijing 2022

olivertapia Beijing (CNN) — Los atletas olímpicos de invierno están acostumbrados a realizar sus asombrosas hazañas contra el telón de fondo de espectaculares montañas cubiertas de nieve. Pero la sede olímpica Big Air Shougang de Beijing está atrayendo la atención por su entorno urbano mucho más vanguardista. Una vista de la gran pendiente para los

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