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Month: October 2021

Alex Jones, de Infowars, es responsable de los daños provocados por sus afirmaciones falsas sobre el tiroteo en Sandy Hook, dictamina un juez

olivertapia (CNN) — Alex Jones, el teórico de la conspiración que lidera el sitio web de comentarios de derecha Infowars, fue declarado legalmente responsable en dos demandas por los daños causados por sus reclamos relacionados con el tiroteo masivo en la escuela Sandy Hook de 2012, según documentos judiciales publicados el jueves. La jueza Maya

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Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko derides reports of abuse as ‘fake and fantasy’

Exclusive by Matthew Chance and Zahra Ullah, CNN Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has refused to apologize for the widespread human rights violations in the country since his disputed re-election last year in an exclusive interview with CNN. CNN cited evidence from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International of some detainees reporting injuries including broken bones

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Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko derides reports of abuse as ‘fake and fantasy’

Exclusive by Matthew Chance and Zahra Ullah, CNN Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has refused to apologize for the widespread human rights violations in the country since his disputed re-election last year in an exclusive interview with CNN. CNN cited evidence from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International of some detainees reporting injuries including broken bones

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Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko derides reports of abuse as ‘fake and fantasy’

Exclusive by Matthew Chance and Zahra Ullah, CNN Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has refused to apologize for the widespread human rights violations in the country since his disputed re-election last year in an exclusive interview with CNN. CNN cited evidence from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International of some detainees reporting injuries including broken bones

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Louisiana State Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley said the state could no longer "ignore the unintended academic consequences of our students unnecessarily missing school."

Louisiana public schools may allow parents to choose whether a child quarantines after Covid-19 exposure

By Mallory Simon and Aya Elamroussi, CNN Louisiana public schools are allowed to let parents choose whether they want to quarantine children after exposure to Covid-19, state education officials said. School officials will notify parents if their children had been in close contact with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus, and from there it

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Corte federal de apelaciones detiene la orden que requiere que la administración de Biden deje de expulsar a las familias migrantes

Mariana Toro (CNN) — La Corte de Apelaciones de Estados Unidos para el Circuito de Washington suspendió el jueves una orden de un tribunal inferior que habría obligado a la administración de Biden a dejar de expulsar a las familias migrantes con niños en la frontera bajo una autoridad de salud pública vinculada a la

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There's not much data on how many people had the flu and Covid-19 simultaneously.

Some US governors say Covid hospitalizations are going down but warn of what could come next if more people don’t get vaccinated

By Madeline Holcombe and Christina Maxouris, CNN Some governors are beginning to report encouraging signs in their state’s Covid-19 numbers, but warn of what could come next if more people don’t get vaccinated. Covid-19 hospitalizations and ICU utilization have decreased over the past week in Kentucky, Gov. Andy Beshear announced at a Thursday news conference.

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