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Month: October 2021

An internal review of the Department of Homeland Security intelligence branch revealed an unprepared and ill-trained workforce was thrown into assisting with intelligence collection amid the civil unrest in Portland

DHS intelligence branch sent ‘untrained, inexperienced’ intel collectors to Portland, internal review finds

By Geneva Sands, CNN An internal review of the Department of Homeland Security intelligence branch revealed an unprepared and ill-trained workforce was thrown into assisting with intelligence collection amid the civil unrest in Portland, Oregon, in summer 2020, contributing to the gathering and dissemination of intelligence on US journalists there. Insufficient supervision, improper collection tradecraft

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Peter Nygard consents to US extradition, faces new sex charges in Canada

By Laura Ly, Sonia Moghe and Ray Sanchez, CNN Finnish-Canadian designer Peter Nygard, accused of racketeering and sex trafficking charges, consented Friday to be extradited to the United States to defend himself. Nygard, 80, appearing via videoconference at an extradition hearing in Winnipeg, verbally confirmed his consent, which his attorney, Brian Greenspan, told the court

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