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Month: October 2021

The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to scientists Syukuro Manabe

Nobel Prize in physics awarded to scientists whose work warned the world of climate change

By Rob Picheta and Katie Hunt, CNN The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to scientists Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi, whose groundbreaking work over the past 60 years predicted climate change and decoded complex physical systems. Manabe, 90, and Hasselmann, 89, were jointly honored for “the physical modelling of Earth’s climate,

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Trastornos alimenticios: ¿qué son, a quiénes afectan y cómo buscar ayuda?

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN Español) — No distinguen edades, género, clases sociales ni nacionalidades. Los trastornos alimenticios son un mal silencioso que afectan a millones en todo el mundo y tiene consecuencias letales. Y más allá de que están relacionados directamente con la alimentación, en realidad expresan un trastorno de la salud mental que también

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Los casos de covid-19 disminuyen, pero siguen siendo elevados entre los niños. Esto es lo que tiene que hacer EE.UU. para acabar con la ola

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — Después de semanas de un preocupante aumento de covid-19 en todo EE.UU., las tasas de infección están finalmente en declive. Sin embargo, los expertos dicen que todavía hay trabajo por hacer para haya un cambio real, especialmente cuando los casos siguen siendo excepcionalmente altos entre los niños. “Me preocupa que

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Dr. Anthony Fauci in the documentary 'Fauci

‘Fauci’ celebrates a life marked by public service — and more recently, political attacks

Review by Brian Lowry, CNN “Fauci” celebrates a life devoted to public service and the politicization of the response to Covid-19, in roughly that order. A National Geographic presentation premiering on Disney+, the documentary was shot with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s cooperation (but not his creative input or financial benefit), consciously seeking to humanize the man

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Microsoft begins rollout of Windows 11

By Samantha Murphy Kelly, CNN Business Microsoft is rolling out its first major Windows update in six years. But not everyone will be able to get it right away. Starting Tuesday, Windows 11 will be available as a free download to existing Windows users depending on the hardware and age of their PC device. Microsoft

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