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Month: September 2021

El puente aéreo de Kabul terminó, pero una operación estadounidense para sacar a 14.000 personas de una base en Alemania está lejos de concluir

olivertapia Base aérea de Ramstein, Alemania (CNN) — Desde la ventana de su oficina, el general de brigada Joshua Olson puede ver un partido de fútbol diario organizado por los niños afganos que temporalmente llaman hogar a su base aérea. “Esta es ahora mi familia, al menos hasta que salgan de nuestro parche aéreo”, dijo

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‘Last mile’ solution for Brazilian favela born from pandemic

By TATIANA POLLASTRI and DAVID BILLER Associated Press SAO PAULO (AP) — Packages have only just started reaching doorsteps in Sao Paulo’s second-biggest favela, Paraisopolis. It’s thanks to a bespectacled 21-year-old with a degree in information technology. Inspired by community-led distribution of food kits and donations during the pandemic, Giva Pereira founded a logistics startup

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Hospitals grapple with nurse shortages

By RACHEL MCCRARY, ANNA MUCKENFUSS Click here for updates on this story     Michigan, USA (WNEM) — As the fourth wave of the pandemic hammers the country, healthcare workers are worn out and frustrated. “Nurses are leaving the profession,” said Jamie Brown, a nurse, and president of the Michigan Nurses Association. Too many patients at once.

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