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Month: September 2021

Media companies in Australia are liable for the comments that Facebook users post under their articles

Australian court says media companies are liable for comments on their Facebook pages

By Jill Disis and Hilary Whiteman, CNN Business Media companies in Australia are liable for the comments that Facebook users post under their articles, the country’s highest court ruled this week. The decision could have widespread consequences for how Australian publishers interact with their readers on social media. The High Court of Australia on Wednesday

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Indonesia, Australia urge Taliban to respect rights of women

By NINIEK KARMINI Associated Press JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — The foreign minister of Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, is urging the Taliban to respect the rights of women and not allow Afghanistan to become a breeding ground for extremist activities. Retno Marsudi made the comments after meeting with Australia’s foreign and defense ministers,

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Economists urge Democratic leaders to pass immigration revamp in the budget reconciliation bill to bolster US economy.

Economists urge Democratic leaders to pass immigration revamp in budget reconciliation bill

By Priscilla Alvarez and Daniella Diaz, CNN A group of economists urged congressional leadership to add a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants to a budget reconciliation bill, arguing that it would bolster the US economy, according to a letter obtained by CNN. The more than 50 economists, including former President Barack Obama’s top economic

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Estados Unidos podría volver fácilmente a algún nivel de normalidad si todos hicieran su parte contra el covid-19, dice un experto

Mariana Toro (CNN) — Las hospitalizaciones por covid-19 para los menores de 17 años alcanzaron su punto máximo a fines de agosto a un ritmo que se acerca al doble del brote de principios de invierno de este año, según datos de los CDC, a medida que muchas de las escuelas del país vuelve a

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