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Month: September 2021

Nuevos enfrentamientos sangrientos en una cárcel de Ecuador dejan al menos 30 muertos y 47 heridos

Ángela Reyes (CNN Español) — Los enfrentamientos registrados en la Penitenciaría del Litoral, ubicada en las afueras de Guayaquil, dejaron al menos 30 muertos y 47 heridos, confirmó este martes el comandante de la Zona 8 de la Policía de Ecuador, Fausto Buenaño. Más temprano, el gobernador de la provincia del Guayas, Pablo Arosemena, había

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An Afghan soldier walks through a field of poppies during an eradication campaign in Kandahar province's Maiwand district in 2005.

Afghanistan is the world’s opium king. Can the Taliban afford to kill off their ‘un-Islamic’ cash cow?

By Kara Fox, CNN When the khaki-colored landscapes of Afghanistan are transformed by a patchwork of pink, white and purple each spring, farmers rejoice. Their cash crop of poppies is ready for harvesting. Opium cultivation has long been a source of income for rural communities across the country, a land besieged by decades of war.

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The sons of Alex Murdaugh's housekeeper filed a motion for him to be jailed until he pays them settlement money their lawyer says they're owed. Gloria Satterfield

The sons of Alex Murdaugh’s housekeeper filed a motion for him to be jailed until he pays them settlement money their lawyer says they’re owed

By Rebekah Riess and Amir Vera, CNN The children of a housekeeper who worked for embattled South Carolina lawyer Alex Murdaugh have filed a motion for his arrest and detention until the money he allegedly embezzled from her estate is returned. Gloria Satterfield — who spent more than two decades as the Murdaugh family housekeeper

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Bloquean el uso del internet para millones de personas en la India en un intento de impedir que se haga trampa en los exámenes

Alexandra Ferguson Hong Kong/ Nueva Delhi (CNN Business) — Más de 25 millones de personas en el estado indio de Rayastán se enfrentaron este domingo a cortes y restricciones de Internet ordenados por el gobierno, en un intento de evitar las trampas en un examen masivo. Cientos de miles de candidatos se presentaron al Examen

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El Reino Unido alista al ejército para el reparto de combustible ante la escasez en las estaciones de servicio

olivertapia Londres (CNN Business) — El ejército del Reino Unido se prepara para llevar gasolina a las estaciones de servicio luego de que la escasez de conductores de camiones cisterna obligara a algunas a cerrar la semana pasada, lo que causó compras de pánico por parte de los automovilistas británicos. Dado que miles de estaciones

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Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on September 28 announced a new lawsuit against the Biden administration over its so-called catch and release immigration policy.

DeSantis announces lawsuit against Biden administration over immigration policy

By Paul LeBlanc, CNN Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday announced a new lawsuit against the Biden administration over its so-called catch and release immigration policy. The Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement are among the defendants named in the complaint. The lawsuit, while unlikely to bring

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Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on September 28 announced a new lawsuit against the Biden administration over its so-called catch and release immigration policy.

DeSantis announces lawsuit against Biden administration over immigration policy

By Paul LeBlanc, CNN Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday announced a new lawsuit against the Biden administration over its so-called catch and release immigration policy. The Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement are among the defendants named in the complaint. The lawsuit, while unlikely to bring

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Los Latin Grammy agregan al reguetón dentro de sus nuevas categorías para el 2020

Marysabel E. Huston-Crespo Nota del editor: Escucha Zona Pop en Spotify. Suscríbete y comparte tus comentarios con la etiqueta #ZonaPop. (CNN Español) – La Academia Latina de la Grabación, el organismo rector de los Latin Grammy, anunció esta semana a sus miembros la inclusión de tres nuevas categorías para la edición 21 de los premios. Entre ellas está el

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La dieta DASH y el ejercicio físico ayudan a manejar la hipertensión arterial no controlada, según un estudio

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Casi la mitad de los estadounidenses padecen hipertensión arterial, un factor clave que contribuye a la diabetes, las enfermedades cardíacas, las enfermedades renales, los accidentes cerebrovasculares y las complicaciones graves del covid-19, según la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón (AHA, por sus siglas en inglés). Tomar una o dos pastillas para controlar

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Margie and Don Varnadoe attending a December 2020 Christmas party in Brunswick

Couple celebrating 50 years of marriage and man nearing his 5th wedding anniversary were killed in Amtrak derailment

By Christina Maxouris, CNN Don Varnadoe called the upcoming anniversary trip he was preparing to embark on with his wife the “trip of a lifetime.” Varnadoe, who worked as a real estate agent in St. Simons Island, Georgia, had been looking forward to it for months, watching train videos at work in anticipation. The couple

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