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Month: September 2021

NextGen America is launching a $32 million program to engage young voters across eight states.

‘The future belongs to us’: NextGen America launches $32 million program to turn out young voters in 2022

By Rachel Janfaza, CNN With just over a year until the 2022 midterm elections, NextGen America — the progressive youth voter engagement organization — is launching a $32 million program to engage young voters across eight states. NextGen will organize in Texas, Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada with a goal

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El Congreso de EE.UU. corre contra el reloj para evitar el cierre del gobierno antes de la medianoche

olivertapia (CNN) — La financiación del gobierno de Estados Unidos expira a la medianoche y el Congreso aún no ha aprobado un proyecto de ley de financiación provisional para evitar un cierre, aunque los líderes demócratas están en camino de hacerlo más tarde este jueves. Los legisladores están acelerando el proceso y se espera que

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A 13-meter chamber in Gibraltar's Vanguard Cave

Cave chamber closed for 40,000 years could hold the key to the lives of Neanderthals

By Jeevan Ravindran, CNN The discovery of a chamber at least 40,000 years old in a Gibraltar cave previously inhabited by Neanderthals could lead to groundbreaking new finds about their lifestyles, according to researchers. Archaeologists from the Gibraltar National Museum have been working since 2012 to find potential chambers and passages blocked by sediment in

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Nicolas Sarkozy, expresidente de Francia, es declarado culpable de financiación ilegal de campañas electorales

olivertapia París (CNN) — El expresidente de Francia Nicolas Sarkozy fue declarado culpable el jueves de financiación ilegal de campañas en su fallida candidatura a la reelección en 2012. A principios de este año, Sarkozy recibió una sentencia de tres años de prisión, dos de los cuales fueron suspendidos, por corrupción y tráfico de influencias,

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Fans who gathered to watch the match between the Melbourne Demons and the Western Bulldogs on September 25 in Perth

Covid surge after some Australians break lockdown to celebrate country’s biggest football event of the year

By Ben Westcott and Chandler Thornton, CNN Fans who gathered to watch two Victoria-based rivals play in one of Australia’s top sporting events are partly to blame for a more than 50% increase in the state’s daily reported Covid-19 cases, local officials said Thursday. Victoria reported 1,438 new infections Thursday, up from 948 the previous

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