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Month: July 2021

People wear face coverings at Union Station in Los Angeles on July 19. Despite now having a powerful tool to help suppress the spread of coronavirus -- three very effective vaccines -- the nation is once again seeing rising cases

Many Americans were looking forward to a carefree summer. But Covid measures are creeping back into our reality

By Christina Maxouris, CNN Across America, there’s a grim sense of déjà vu. Despite now having a powerful tool to help suppress the spread of coronavirus — three very effective vaccines — the nation is once again seeing rising cases, hospitalizations and deaths, driven by and affecting mostly Americans who have not been vaccinated. On

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Policía Nacional de Nicaragua detiene a séptimo precandidato presidencial por investigación de supuestos actos contra la soberanía

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN Español) — El abogado y precandidato presidencial por la Alianza Ciudadana, Noel José Vidaurre Argüello y el comentarista político Jaime José Arellano Arana permanecen desde este sábado en sus residencias bajo custodia policial, según informó la institución a través de una nota de prensa. La policía informó que Vidaurre Argüello

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El gobierno de Biden adquiere más dosis de la vacuna contra el covid-19 de Pfizer para la posible vacunación de menores y refuerzos

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — El gobierno de Joe Biden compró 200 millones de dosis adicionales de la vacuna contra el covid-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech para prepararse para posibles necesidades de vacunas adicionales en Estados Unidos, explica a CNN un funcionario de la administración familiarizado con el contrato. A pesar de la desaceleración de la demanda de

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Young women march with signs during a Multi-Faith March to End Hatred after four members of a Muslim family were killed in a truck ramming attack in Canada. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has released a mid-year report highlighting serious cases of anti-Muslim incidents that occurred in the United States during the first seven months of 2021.

Advocacy group publishes mid-year report highlighting spike in anti-Muslim crimes and bias

By Alaa Elassar, CNN The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has released a mid-year report highlighting serious cases of anti-Muslim incidents that occurred in the United States during the first seven months of 2021. CAIR, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, typically publishes an annual report tracking hate crimes and bias incidents.

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