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Month: July 2021

Chinese President and party leader Xi Jinping delivers a speech at a ceremony marking the centenary of the ruling Communist Party in Beijing

Foreign countries that ‘bully’ China will meet a ‘great wall of steel,’ says Xi during Communist Party centenary

By Ben Westcott and Steven Jiang, CNN China’s rise is a “historical inevitability” and it will no longer be “bullied, oppressed or subjugated” by foreign countries, its leader, Xi Jinping, said Thursday during an event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. “Anyone who dares to try, will find their heads bashed bloody

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Bill Cosby’s accusers hope the decision to release him won’t discourage survivors from sharing their stories

By Madeline Holcombe and Ray Sanchez, CNN Bill Cosby’s sexual assault conviction, the first high-profile celebrity criminal trial of the #MeToo era, was reversed, but his accusers hope the movement will continue to inspire victims to come forward. “It is a discouraging message to sexual assault survivors,” said Patricia Leary Steuer, who accused Cosby of

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Clorox stock is getting wiped out

By Paul R. La Monica, CNN Business Clorox was one of the bigger beneficiaries of the Covid economy, as people rushed out to buy bleach, wipes and other disinfecting supplies. The company couldn’t keep wipes on store shelves. But now that nearly 155 million Americans are fully vaccinated and resuming normal activities, consumers aren’t practicing

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Clorox said in April that its quarterly sales were flat compared to a year ago.

Clorox stock is getting wiped out

By Paul R. La Monica, CNN Business Clorox was one of the bigger beneficiaries of the Covid economy, as people rushed out to buy bleach, wipes and other disinfecting supplies. The company couldn’t keep wipes on store shelves. But now that nearly 155 million Americans are fully vaccinated and resuming normal activities, consumers aren’t practicing

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Con la variante delta en todo EE.UU., es hora de repensar el enfoque de «para todos» en la guía de uso de mascarilla, dice un experto

Mariana Toro (CNN) — Con tasas de vacunación desiguales en EE.UU. y una variante delta ahora detectada en los 50 estados, un experto en salud advierte que la guía de mascarillas del gobierno federal debería estar mejor enfocada. «Parte del problema es que los CDC están tratando de usar una recomendación única para todos para

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Una mujer de Florida vio que se formaba una grieta en su condominio y se dijo: ‘Tienes que correr para salvar tu vida’

olivertapia (CNN) — Si uno de los muchos pequeños momentos de la última noche de Iliana Monteagudo en su condominio de Surfside, Florida, hubiera sido diferente, ella cree que no estaría viva hoy. Sus tarjetas de crédito ya estaban en su bolso, revisó la puerta de su balcón, no pudo encontrar la escalera al principio:

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The African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have voiced "concern" after it emerged that Europe's digital 'green pass' does not recognize a vaccine that was donated to many African countries through the COVAX initiative.

Many Covid vaccine doses donated to African countries are not recognized by EU travel certificate

By Sarah Dean, Amy Cassidy and Mia Alberti, CNN The African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) have voiced “concern” after it emerged that Europe’s digital “green pass” does not recognize a vaccine that was donated to many African countries through the COVAX initiative. The European Union Digital Covid Certificate

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The African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have voiced "concern" after it emerged that Europe's digital 'green pass' does not recognize a vaccine that was donated to many African countries through the COVAX initiative.

Many Covid vaccine doses donated to African countries are not recognized by EU travel certificate

By Sarah Dean, Amy Cassidy and Mia Alberti, CNN The African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) have voiced “concern” after it emerged that Europe’s digital “green pass” does not recognize a vaccine that was donated to many African countries through the COVAX initiative. The European Union Digital Covid Certificate

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República Dominicana iniciará la aplicación de tercera dosis de vacuna contra el covid-19 este jueves

olivertapia (CNN Español) — El Gobierno dominicano anunció este miércoles la aplicación de una tercera dosis de refuerzo contra el coronavirus e indicó que iniciará este jueves con el personal de salud. En una rueda de prensa, encabezada por el presidente Luis Abinader, las autoridades explicaron que la presencia de nuevas variantes hasta «ocho veces

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