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Month: July 2021

ANÁLISIS | El retiro de Simone Biles nos recuerda que es humana y que sigue siendo la mejor de todos los tiempos

Mariana Toro (CNN) — Simone Biles llegó a los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio buscando ganar otra medalla de oro o cuatro y ofrecer otra actuación estelar antes de eventualmente retirarse. Pero luego hizo algo que sus fans nunca habían visto antes: vaciló. Estaba intentando un movimiento de salto avanzado conocido como Amanar, que había ejecutado

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ANÁLISIS | Los CDC acaban de actualizar su guía sobre mascarillas: esta es la ciencia detrás de los cambios

Mariana Toro (CNN) — Casi se podía escuchar el quejido colectivo de frustración en todo el país el martes cuando los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EE.UU. (CDC) actualizaron nuevamente su guía, alentando a más estadounidenses y a todos los escolares y maestros a usar máscaras para detener la propagación

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Visitors to the Grand Central Market are mostly masked on July 27

CDC’s new masking guidance prompted by science that emerged in just the last several days, Walensky says

By Jason Hanna and Madeline Holcombe, CNN The CDC’s decision to change its mask guidance this week was prompted by scientists’ determination — only days old — that vaccinated people with breakthrough Delta coronavirus variant infections can pass the virus to others, the center’s director said Wednesday. Dr. Rochelle Walensky said such breakthrough infections are

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U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn becomes emotional as he testifies before the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Officer at Capitol riot responds to questions of credibility: ‘I can’t put a Band-Aid on my emotions’

By Paul LeBlanc, CNN A US Capitol Police officer who was the target of racist slurs during the January 6 insurrection rebuked questions about his credibility from conservative critics Wednesday evening, stating, “I can’t put a Band-Aid on my emotions.” Harry Dunn — one of the four officers who testified Tuesday before the House select

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Rachel Rosser

Arkansas Children’s hospitals report record high number of children hospitalized with Covid-19

By Martin Savidge, Jason Morris and Eric Levenson, CNN Arkansas Children’s hospitals report a record number of children are hospitalized with Covid-19 as the illness continues to prey upon the state’s unvaccinated population. The hospitals, located in Little Rock and Springdale, said 24 pediatric patients were hospitalized with Covid-19 on Wednesday, a 50% increase over

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Items found by federal authorities in the home of Thomas Robertson are seen

Ex-cop who stormed US Capitol is jailed after buying 37 guns and posting that ‘violence’ is better than ‘peaceful protest’

By Marshall Cohen A Virginia police officer who was fired after storming the US Capitol was jailed Wednesday by a federal judge because he ordered a large stockpile of guns and ammunition after his January arrest, and posted online in support of future political violence. Thomas Robertson, a retired Army Reservist who later worked for

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Maravillas en Perú, Chile y Uruguay: estos son los nuevos destinos declarados Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad por la Unesco

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Un observatorio solar prehistórico en medio de un desierto. Un ferrocarril de décadas de antigüedad que atraviesa dos elevadas cadenas montañosas. Un sorprendente arte grabado en las rocas que data de hace 7.000 años. Estos son algunos de los espectaculares destinos recién inscritos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la

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