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Month: July 2021

Los haitianos en EE.UU. dicen estar en medio de un “examen de conciencia” tras el asesinato del presidente de Haití

Germán Padinger (CNN) — El asesinato del presidente de Haití, Jovenel Moïse, tiene a muchos líderes de la comunidad haitiana en Estados Unidos temiendo lo que pueda venir después. “Hay temores muy reales sobre si habrá o no violencia en las calles”, dijo Vania Andre, editora del Haitian Times, un influyente periódico para la diáspora

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The White man who authorities say shot and killed a Black Air Force veteran and a retired Black state trooper in Winthrop

‘Hate fueled by white supremacy’ behind killing of two Black people in Massachusetts, authorities say

By Brian Vitagliano, Evan Simko-Bednarski and Artemis Moshtaghian, CNN The White man who authorities say shot and killed a Black Air Force veteran and a retired Black state trooper in Winthrop, Massachusetts, last month carried “hate fueled by white supremacy,” according to the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office. Authorities say Nathan Allen, 28, stole a

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Men worship at the Stadttempel synagogue in Vienna. There are about 15

A hate-filled attack made a grandson of Holocaust survivors understand their experience a little more. But he decided to buck their advice

By Antonia Mortensen, Melissa Bell and Saskya Vandoorne, CNN Elie Rosen had never really listened as a child when his grandparents told him and his cousins to keep their heads down. He knew they had survived the Holocaust but he believed the world’s vow of “never again” and saw no reason for his generation of

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Task force proposes fight against racism

By Scott Williams Click here for updates on this story     BURLINGTON, Wisconsin (The Journal Times) — A task force on race relations is calling for tough action against racism in Burlington, while also raising questions about whether community leaders are willing to tackle the issue. The task force organized by the City of Burlington recommends

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El ministro de Salud de Panamá amenaza con destituir a funcionarios sorprendidos en fiestas clandestinas

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN Español) — El ministro de Salud de Panamá, Luis Francisco Sucre, amenazó con destituir a los funcionarios que sean sorprendidos por las autoridades en fiestas clandestinas, reuniones entre amigos -conocidas en el país como parkings- o actividades multitudinarias donde no se respeten las medidas de bioseguridad por el covid-19. Sucre hizo

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This picture shows Ariake Urban Sport Park

Tokyo venues for Olympics will have no spectators; Games will be held under a state of emergency

By Junko Ogura, Chie Kobayashi and Nectar Gan, CNN Tokyo venues for the pandemic-delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympics will not have spectators due to the city’s coronavirus state of emergency through the Games, according to the Japanese Olympic Committee. The announcement was made following a meeting of five Olympic and Japanese government groups responsible for the

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A spate of ransomware attacks in recent months has compromised critical infrastructure and disrupted daily life across the United States and globally

The anatomy of a ransomware attack

A threatening voicemail, research into company executives and finances, even step-by-step guides to using cryptocurrency. These are some of the evolving tactics of ransomware groups that have turned this cybercrime into a highly lucrative underground business. As CNN’s Clare Sebastian reports, businesses and law enforcement are racing to get ahead of them.

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