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Month: April 2021

The Trump Republican circus gears up for another tour

Donald Trump schooled his protégés well in his politics of down-in-the-muck misinformation. The ex-President’s Washington devotees and media backers are proving they don’t need him in the White House or blazing away on Twitter to stir his stew of lies, false realities, assaults on democracy, circus politics and racial grievance. The test of their approach

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Trump’s close advisers urge him to make PSA to persuade his followers to get the Covid-19 vaccine

With polls showing that about half of Republicans are unenthusiastic about getting a Covid-19 vaccine, some of former President Donald Trump’s advisers are encouraging him to make a public service announcement urging his followers to roll up their sleeves, according to two former senior Trump administration officials. The officials emphasized that vaccine hesitancy among Republicans

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Titanium bubbles discovered in supernova could help solve mystery of exploding stars

Titanium has been discovered in the beautiful remnants of the Cassiopeia A supernova about 11,000 light-years away. This discovery could help scientists understand what leads some giant stars to explode, according to the new study. Observations of the supernova were made using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, which has been in operation since 1999, between 2000

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‘It’s an impossible situation’: Democrats link arms with Biden on Afghanistan — and brace for the worst

Most congressional Democrats are backing President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan this year, though many harbor nagging concerns that the gains won over the last 20 years will be erased and the Taliban will retake control after American troops are no longer there. Biden’s announcement that US troops would leave by

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