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Month: March 2021

Birx recalls ‘very difficult’ phone call from Trump following her Covid-19 warnings

Dr. Deborah Birx revealed in a CNN documentary clip released Sunday that she received a “very uncomfortable” and “very difficult” phone call from Donald Trump after speaking publicly about the spread of Covid-19 while serving in the former President’s administration. Birx, who had served as the Trump White House’s coronavirus response coordinator, said the phone

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Advocates call on Biden administration to prioritize youth mental health as experts warn of consequences

Talia Kaganovsky has struggled with her mental health for years. But when Covid-19 hit, “it was almost like a giant slap in the face,” the 18-year-old freshman at University of Pittsburgh said. Kaganovsky, like all Americans, had to readjust her habits and expectations when the pandemic began a year ago. For many high school seniors,

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Evacuation of people trapped by militant attack in Mozambique runs into ambush, reports say

The attempted evacuation of people trapped during an attack in northern Mozambique by Islamist militants has led to multiple casualties, with dozens of people still unaccounted for, according to reports, in what the US embassy in Maputo is calling a “horrific situation.” The town of Palma in Cabo Delgado province was attacked by Islamist insurgents

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Warnock on push for voting rights and infrastructure plan: ‘We can walk and chew gum at the same time’

President Joe Biden and other Democrats could tackle both voting rights and infrastructure legislation at the same time, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock insisted Sunday, while White House shifts its focus to the country’s infrastructure as his home state of Georgia has enacted a strict new voting law. “We can walk and chew gum at the

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The hard lesson of Dr. Deborah Birx

Think back to March 2020. The novel coronavirus pandemic had just been declared a pandemic, and the federal response was already being botched. With the White House alternating between chaos and denial, the nation was looking to two physicians, Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci, for guidance. They were teammates in shaping our country’s

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FIFA Fast Facts

Here is a look at FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association), international soccer’s governing body and organizer of global tournaments including the World Cup. Other Facts When FIFA was founded in 1904, there were seven member countries: France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. The United States joined the Zurich, Switzerland-based organization in

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Kashmir Fast Facts

Here’s a look at Kashmir, a region in the Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges. India, Pakistan and China all claim partial or complete ownership of Kashmir. Facts Kashmir is an 86,000-square mile region in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. India and Pakistan have been fighting over Kashmir since both countries gained their independence

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2011 Libya Civil War Fast Facts

Here’s some background information about the civil war that took place in Libya in 2011. Timeline February 16, 2011 – Police crack down on protesters as anti-government demonstrations take place in Benghazi. Within days, the protests spread to Tripoli and more than 200 people are killed amid the upheaval. February 21, 2011 – United Nations

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