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Month: February 2021

Lab studies suggest Pfizer, Moderna vaccines can protect against coronavirus variant

A new report published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday suggests that Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine can protect people against concerning new coronavirus variants, including one first seen in South Africa called B.1.351. For the study, researchers at Pfizer and the University of Texas Medical Branch genetically engineered versions of the virus to

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The phony blame game on Texas weather

The winter storms and Arctic deep freeze that have blanketed the West, Midwest and South are still threatening lives and spreading misery, particularly in Texas. But even as millions suffer with access to power, water and heat, the political debate over causes and blame is hot and getting hotter. The icy disaster is already a

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Guns, knives, bombs and bear spray: Here are the weapons Trump supporters brought to DC on the day of the Capitol attack

Supporters of then-President Donald Trump brought dozens of weapons to Washington on the day of the insurrection, according to the Justice Department, undermining claims from at least one Republican senator who said the attack wasn’t an “armed insurrection,” according to a CNN review of court records. Some of the weapons that were confiscated had been

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New York Times: Trump Pentagon officials delayed promotions of female generals due to fear over Trump’s reaction

Promotions of two female generals were delayed by Pentagon officials until after the 2020 presidential election out of fear of “turmoil” from President Donald Trump’s White House, The New York Times reported Wednesday. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper, according to the newspaper, worried that if

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‘To say we’re not first responders is crazy’: Calls growing louder to have police officers next in line for vaccine

Click here for updates on this story     MIAMI, FL (WFOR) — Police officers are not among the groups who are next in line for vaccines. But calls are growing louder from South Florida to change that. “A report came out, Florida’s ground zero for this new strain, this B117,” said El Portal Police Chief David

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