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Month: February 2021

TV host Laura Berman says her son died of an overdose after a drug dealer connected with him on Snapchat

Relationship therapist and TV host Laura Berman is grieving her teen son who she says died of an overdose from drugs he purchased from someone he connected with on Snapchat, according to her post on social media. “My beautiful boy is gone. 16 years old,” Berman posted on Instagram about Samuel Berman Chapman’s death. “Sheltering

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A proposed law in California seeks to ban NDAs that prevent workers from speaking up about discrimination and abuse

A California state legislator has introduced a bill aimed at empowering more workers to speak up about alleged discrimination and abuse by banning certain provisions in confidentiality agreements. State Sen. Connie Leyva, who was behind California legislation banning non-disclosure agreements in cases of workplace sexual assault and harassment, is now hoping to prevent workers from

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House managers to make a visceral case against Trump on Wednesday

The House impeachment managers begin their two-day presentation Wednesday looking to convince skeptical Republican senators that former President Donald Trump was responsible for the deadly January 6 riot at the US Capitol where insurrectionists attacked the Capitol and disrupted the peaceful transfer of power. House Democrats’ previewed their case against Trump on the trial’s opening

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Right-wing media commentary about the Trump trial is key to understanding the choices of GOP senators

A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. You can sign up for free right here. “Today stands alone in American history,” Anderson Cooper said at the top of “AC360” Tuesday night. “Only three presidents, as you know, have ever been impeached. Only one has been impeached twice. And today his

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Why bad news for AstraZeneca’s vaccine is a roadblock on the way out of the pandemic

It’s the news that many feared: early data shows the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine may provide only “minimal protection” against mild to moderate illness caused by the coronavirus variant first identified in South Africa. But this doesn’t mean governments should throw out their AstraZeneca stockpiles. Experts say it’s possible — and very likely — that the shot

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