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Month: February 2021

A middle schooler was insecure about his haircut. So his principal fixed it himself instead of disciplining the boy for wearing a hat

We’ve all had at least one bad haircut in our lifetimes, and chances are, we remember how that bad haircut made us feel. Jason Smith, the middle school principal at Stonybrook Intermediate and Middle School in Indianapolis, Indiana, understood that feeling. And that’s why it was a no-brainer to jump into action for one of

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Several Republicans tell House they can’t attend votes due to ‘public health emergency.’ They’re slated to be at CPAC.

Several of former President Donald Trump’s closest Republican allies in the House have skipped Friday’s votes and enlisted their colleagues to vote on their behalf, signing letters saying they can’t attend “due to the ongoing public health emergency.” But those members are actually expected to be in Orlando and listed as speakers at the Conservative

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Japan Fast Facts

Here’s a look at Japan, a country of islands located off the eastern coast of mainland Asia. About Japan (from the CIA World Fact Book)Area: 377,915 sq km Population: 124,687,293 (July 2021 est.) Median age: 48.6 years (2020 est.) Capital: Tokyo Ethnic groups: Japanese 98.1%, Koreans 0.4%, Chinese 0.5%, other 1% Religion: Shintoism 70.4%, Buddhism

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