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Month: January 2021

Security unlikely to return to pre-riot form in a post-inauguration Washington

As crews in Washington, DC, started dismantling some security fencing within hours of President Joe Biden’s inauguration, it remained clear that security in the nation’s capital will likely never return to its pre-insurrection form. It’s unclear what security changes, if any, made across Washington in preparation for the inauguration will remain permanent, or to what

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Trump lays last-minute land mines for Biden on immigration: ‘Anything to make it difficult’

Days from the end of Donald Trump’s term, his administration rushed to push through possible legal land mines to make President Joe Biden’s goal of immigration reform more difficult. Biden has outlined an ambitious immigration agenda that would reverse the actions of his predecessor, vowing, for example, to undo policies that largely sealed the US

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Last-minute Trump appointee at NSA put on administrative leave due to inspector general probe

National Security Agency General Counsel Michael Ellis, who was installed by former President Donald Trump during his final days in office, was put on administrative leave Wednesday because his appointment is now the subject of a Department of Defense inspector general investigation, a source familiar with the investigation told CNN. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on

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Senate confirms Avril Haines as director of national intelligence, the first Biden Cabinet nominee confirmed

The Senate confirmed President Joe Biden’s first Cabinet nominee Wednesday evening, voting to approve his pick for director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, on his first day in office Haines’ confirmation as the first woman to lead the US intelligence community, which was approved in the Senate by 84 to 10, continues a recent Senate

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David Tyson Smith nominated by Boone County Democrats for House District 45 special election

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) The Boone County Democratic Legislative Committee for House District 45 has chosen their nominee for the upcoming special election. “We were presented with three really strong candidates to choose from (Scott Cristal, Caleb Hall, and David Tyson Smith) and no matter who we picked, we know that person would represent the district

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Former Marine accused of assaulting officers during Capitol riot told FBI he ‘got caught up in the moment’

A former US Marine charged with assaulting officers during the Capitol riot told FBI investigators that he got “caught up in the moment.” Barton Shively, of Pennsylvania, who faces multiple charges in federal court in Washington, DC, was arrested Tuesday. The charges against him include aiding and abetting, civil disorder, forcibly assaulting, resisting, opposing, impeding

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