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Month: January 2021

‘The lost years’: Climate damage that occurred on Trump’s watch will endure long after he is gone

For four years, President Donald Trump has careened from one crisis to the next, many of his own making. Still, through the Mueller investigation, two impeachments, the deadliest pandemic in a century, and even a failed and dangerous attempt to overturn his own election defeat, Trump and his administration remained steadfast in at least one

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Pentagon chief says ‘no intelligence indicating an insider threat’ to inauguration as FBI vets National Guard

Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller said Monday that there is “no intelligence indicating an insider threat” to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, though National Guard members arriving in Washington are being vetted by law enforcement. Miller’s statement comes hours after the head of the DC National Guard said that the FBI is vetting troops involved

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Officials remain vigilant ahead of Biden inauguration after small weekend protests

Demonstrations in state capitols across the United States were muted this weekend after warnings of armed protests, but officials have indicated they’ll remain vigilant in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. “We are concerned about the entire week, not just today,” Lansing, Michigan, Police Chief Daryl Green said Sunday, after a crowd

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Man caught living in airport for months, prosecutors say he was afraid to fly home due to COVID-19

Click here for updates on this story     CHICAGO (WLS) — A 36-year-old allegedly lived inside O’Hare International Airport for three months before he was caught on Saturday. Prosecutors said Aditya Singh was too afraid to fly back to Los Angeles due to COVID-19. Cook County prosecutors said Singh was found with an airport worker’s misplaced

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