Earthquake awareness month
February marks the start of earthquake preparedness month for the state of Missouri. This month is particularly important due to the New Madrid fault line located in Southeastern Missouri which produces nearly 200 earthquakes each year.
Although the state has an active fault line, to kick off the month Oklahoma produced a spell of activity that could be felt in households across Mid-Missouri which is located 414 miles away from the epicenter of the earthquake.

The location of this 5.1 magnitude earthquake was centered five miles northwest of the city of Prague.

A moderate earthquake of this proportion can lead to damage for weaker and poorly built buildings. Thankfully the location of this earthquake being so far away meant that there has been no reported damage in Mid-Missouri.

To make sure you are safe during an earthquake while in a building, you'll want to drop to the ground, cover your head with a desk or some type of harder material, and hold on to the nearest structure until the shaking stops.