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Southern Boone schools consider nicotine drug test

Some school districts are considering expanding random drug testing to include nicotine. Southern Boone School District Superintendent Christopher Felmlee said his school district is in the preliminary stages of discussing adding nicotine to its drug tests. Per the district’s policy, any student who participates in athletics, extra-curricular activities or parks on school grounds are required

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Few Jefferson City health violations found, August restaurant report says

More than half of businesses inspected in Jefferson City were cited for one or fewer health code violations last month. The Jefferson City Department of Environmental Health Services released its report of monthly restaurant inspections Sept. 3, detailing inspection results at 33 food establishments. The report shows that more than half of the establishments checked

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Railroad bridge taken out by floodwaters

A rail bridge in Brunswick was taken out by floodwaters on Tuesday, causing service to stop between Moberly and Kansas City. {“url”:”″,”author_name”:”Adam Casner”,”author_url”:””,”html”:”&#lt;blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”&#gt;&#lt;p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”&#gt;More local flood damage. NFS rail bridge over grand river at Brunswick, MO &#lt;a href=””&#gt;;/a&#gt;&#lt;/p&#gt;— Adam Casner (@Casnerfarms) &#lt;a href=””&#gt;October 2, 2019&#lt;/a&#gt;&#lt;/blockquote&#gt;n&#lt;script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″&#gt;&#lt;/script&#gt;n”,”width”:550,”height”:null,”type”:”rich”,”cache_age”:”3153600000″,”provider_name”:”Twitter”,”provider_url”:””,”version”:”1.0″} The Grand River Bridge, which

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