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Nasdaq’s computer system literally can’t handle Berkshire Hathaway’s sky-high stock price

The world’s most famous electronic stock market can’t compete with the stubbornness of a 90-year-old billionaire. For decades, Warren Buffett has refused to split Berkshire Hathaway’s sky-high Class A shares, which traded hands Friday at a staggering $436,312. Buffett’s persistence finally caused a Y2K-like problem this week at Nasdaq. Here’s the issue: Nasdaq’s 32-bit computer

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What is bitcoin cash?

A cryptocurrency that looks and sounds a lot like bitcoin has creeped up into the top 10 biggest digital currencies list: bitcoin cash. Bitcoin cash shares most of its code with bitcoin. But it is significantly faster at processing transactions. The cryptocurrency is having a moment: It surged more than 11% Thursday, and more than

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Gary Vaynerchuk: NFT is the next big thing

Serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk is selling a new use case for NFT: “Smart event” tokens that have real value rather than digital art. Vaynerchuk’s VeeFriends NFT collection will give buyers three-year access to his VeeCon business and marketing convention. Customers can buy the tokens with etherium cryptocurrency. But he sees a broader future for NFTs

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