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Hong Kong police declare Apple Daily newsroom a crime scene as editors and executives arrested under national security law

Hong Kong police declared the Apple Daily newspaper office a crime scene Thursday, after 500 officers descended on the premises to arrest executives and top editors and seize journalistic materials under the city’s national security law. Apple Daily said Thursday that the company’s CEO Cheung Kim Hung, COO Chow Tat Kuen and chief editor Ryan

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Gold loses its shine as Fed hints at rate hikes

The Federal Reserve surprised the market Wednesday with projections that future interest rate hikes will come a bit sooner than expected. Gold bugs in particular were disappointed. The price of gold fell 4% Wednesday and was lower again Thursday, falling below $1,800 an ounce for the first time since early May. While it’s true that

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Jobless claims unexpectedly rose last week

Claims for unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly last week, marking the first increase in initial claims since late April. Another 412,000 workers filed for first-time benefits in the week ended June 12, adjusted for seasonal swings, the Labor Department said Thursday. Since the start of May, weekly claims had set new pandemic-era lows every week —

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