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Seth Rich conspiracy theorists retract and apologize for false statements as they settle lawsuit

A businessman and a fringe internet activist who each played key roles in the conspiracy theory about Seth Rich, the slain Democratic National Committee staffer whose death was used by right-wing activists as a vehicle to help exonerate Russia from its 2016 election meddling, retracted and apologized for their statements this week. “I take full

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Capitol riot denialism is already here

Law enforcement agencies are rounding up suspected rioters, combing through social media evidence, and uncovering the true depth of the plot to overtake the Capitol and stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election. The story is getting bigger every day. But there is also a concerted effort underway, all across the pro-Trump media landscape, to

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Capitol Hill denialism is already here

Law enforcement agencies are rounding up suspected rioters, combing through social media evidence, and uncovering the true depth of the plot to overtake the Capitol and stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election. The story is getting bigger every day. But there is also a concerted effort underway, all across the pro-Trump media landscape, to

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China’s Huawei backtracks after filing for patent to identify Uyghur faces

Chinese technology company Huawei is backtracking on a patent application it filed for a facial recognition system intended to identify Uyghurs from other Chinese ethnicities. Filed in July 2018 by Huawei and the government-affiliated Chinese Academy of Sciences, the patent application said the “identification of pedestrian attributes is very important” in facial recognition technology. “The

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Snapchat permanently bans President Trump

US President Donald Trump has been permanently banned from Snapchat, according to a statement by the platform Wednesday. “Last week we announced an indefinite suspension of President Trump’s Snapchat account, and have been assessing what long term action is in the best interest of our Snapchat community,” a Snapchat spokesperson said. “In the interest of

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