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Greg Abbott’s delusional ideas about Covid

Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to “open Texas 100%,” lifting all Covid-19 restrictions and end his state’s mask mandate on March 10, is a political ploy that places his poll ratings above the health and safety of 29 million Texans. It’s a wrongheaded plan that risks prolonging the pandemic and endangering all Americans. When Abbott issued

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Apple is discontinuing the iMac Pro

Apple is no longer making the iMac Pro, once the most-powerful computer the company offered. For those looking to get their hands on the all-in-one-Mac, they can still do so for a limited time. The $4,999 standard model can still be purchased on Apple’s website, but only while supplies last. Once existing inventory runs out,

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China faces huge climate and tech challenges in its bid for global leadership

China’s leaders are finalizing their political and economic agenda for the rest of 2021 and beyond. How the country achieves technological independence and tackles the climate crisis will be near the top. This year’s “Two Sessions” meeting — the most important annual event on China’s political calendar — is particularly noteworthy because Beijing will ratify

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Are you eligible for the FCC’s emergency internet discount program? Here’s how to find out

More help is coming soon for the millions of Americans struggling to afford high-speed internet at home, which has become essential for school, work and many other areas of life during the pandemic. Congress’ December Covid-19 relief bill included $3.2 billion to help low-income Americans pay for broadband service, as the country continues its push

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