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America is facing a ketchup packet shortage

When the doors open at the Blake Street Tavern every day, owner Chris Fuselier is looking for customers and looking for ketchup packets. “Absolutely,” the Denver restaurateur says. “In hindsight, if you’d have asked me eighteen months ago would I have concerns about ketchup shortages, I would have said ‘Are you crazy?’” But since then,

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America is facing a ketchup shortage

When the doors open at the Blake Street Tavern every day, owner Chris Fuselier is looking for customers and looking for ketchup. “Absolutely,” the Denver restaurateur says. “In hindsight, if you’d have asked me eighteen months ago would I have concerns about ketchup shortages, I would have said ‘Are you crazy?’” But since then, Fuselier

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Can anything derail the ‘Goldilocks’ economy?

America’s economy could be heading for a golden era of growth. But higher prices and the coronavirus pandemic still present risks. What’s happening: “It is possible that we will have a Goldilocks moment — fast and sustained growth, inflation that moves up gently (but not too much) and interest rates that rise (but not too

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