Jefferson City man announces city council run

A Jefferson City man announced Thursday he plans to throw his hat in the ring for a Ward 1 seat.
Hank Vogt said he will file next week for April's General Municipal Election on April 7, 2020. In a release, Vogt said he's lived in Jefferson City for more than 20 years and has previously sat on the Versailles city council.
Vogt currently serves on the city's planning and zoning commission and the industrial development authority. He said he wants to work on infrastructure, economic development, and disaster recovery, according to a release.
Rick Prather is the incumbent for the Ward 1 seat up for election.

Five city council seats, one from each ward, are up for election in 2020. Candidates can file for the election on Dec. 17. Filing closes on Jan. 21, 2020.
The state ethics commission says two board members have active campaign committees. The MEC website shows Ward 5 councilman Jon Hensley and Ward 3 councilwoman Erin Wiseman both have active campaigns.