Jefferson City Room at the Inn hosts seventeen guests opening night

Jefferson City Room at the Inn started accepting overnight guests for the winter this Friday at it's new location on Monroe Street. The first night, the shelter welcomed in 17 guests.
Room at the Inn is in a new location this year that serves more people. The shelter operates out of 107 Monroe Street every day from 5:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. and will stay open until early March 2024.
Room at the Inn uses volunteers to help serve the community. According to a FaceBook post, at least 150 people have signed on to help this year.
To help with the ever-increasing need in the community, cochair Mariah Luebbering said Room at the Inn expanded from 15 to 20 beds this year.
"We are hoping that will be enough and that we won't have to worry about turning anyone away," Luebbering said.