Pharmacies and Health Department still waiting to for vaccines
Local pharmacies have yet to receive vaccines, some have placed orders with the state weeks ago.
D & H pharmacy in Columbia, say they have not received any vaccines and they can't schedule anyone to be vaccinated. The pharmacy says they will update the public as to when they receive the vaccine doses on their website and social media.
Anthony Desha, co-owner of Flow's Pharmacy in Columbia, said they put in an order for vaccines about 3 to 4 weeks ago and still have not heard anything back. Desha says he's reached out to multiple government officials and departments to try to get an update on when vaccines are expected to be shipped out.
“I’ve reached out to the Governor Lt. Governor The department of Immunizations, I’ve reached out to the COVID hotline, there’s a COVID 19 hotline for providers, I’ve reached out to congresswoman Vicky Hartzler just to try to see on my behalf if she could try to get some pull to get ahold of somebody. At this point all I want is answers so I can give answers to everyone else.”, said Desha.
Desha said he has people calling his pharmacy locations all day long trying to set up an appointment to get vaccinated. He says he wants to help them and has staff ready to administer the vaccine, but he still has not received an update on his order.
Desha says the lack of communication and clear objective as to when pharmacies will receive vaccines has been ultimately frustrating.
“The fact that the Governor is going on saying we’re moving on to phase 1B when no one’s reached out to the pharmacies and the people that are on the frontlines giving them. I find that very frustrating that there’s no transparency there’s no clear objective it’s just a blank canvas.”, said Desha.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services announced Thursday they would move forward with vaccinating those in Phase 1B. Phase 1B has been broken down into different tiers in regards to priority. Tier 1 is dedicated to first responders, and vaccinations began this week. Tier 2 is for people over the age of 65 or those with underlying health conditions that put them at risk for the virus. Tier 3 contains educators, school staff and government officials.
Governor Parson announced Thursday the state would move forward with vaccinating Tier 1 this week and vaccinations for Tier 2 would begin next week.
Local health departments have started preparing for vaccinations of Tier 2 individuals. Kristi Campbell the Director of the Cole County Health Department, said they have scheduled appointments for some people in Tier 2 for next week. The department asks for residents to contact their primary care physician for instructions on where and how they can get vaccinated.
Scott Clardy, the Assistant Director for the Columbia Boone County Department of Health and Senior Services said, the department put in an order for more vaccine doses but they are not certain if or when that order will be fulfilled. Clardy says the department is still working through getting health care providers in phase 1A vaccinated along with first responders. He says the department does not have enough vaccine doses at the moment to start vaccinating those in Tier 2 as they are still working the previous phases.
Clardy says those looking to get vaccinated should fill out the survey online. Once more vaccines become available the health department will contact those who are eligible and setup an appointment for them to get vaccinated.