Camdenton police investigate threatening comments made by student

The Camdenton Police Department investigated threatening comments made by a student Friday morning, according to a news release.
Officials said administrators at Camdenton High School and police officers looked into the comments. They said a student was later taken to the Camden County Juvenile Detention Center.
According to the release, officers and administrators learned of another possible threatening statement while conducting the first investigation. But, police said they found no evidence of inappropriate conduct and referred it to school administrators.
Superintendent Tim Hadfield said the comment was made verbally to other students. Hadfield said he notified parents by phone with the following message:
Today, at Camdenton High School administrators and school resource officers investigated two incidents of two students allegedly making threatening comments. Â Both students made threatening statements related to school shooters. Â CHS students notified school and law enforcement authorities regarding these comments. ÂThe investigation found that while inappropriate comments were made there was no danger to our students. Â We are very proud of our Lakers who notified authorities of their concerns. Â Law enforcement is involved and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in both situations.
Camdenton R-III is committed to keeping our students safe.
Again, we are very proud of our students who expressed concerns and we urge our young scholars to talk with an adult if they hear or see something that causes them concern.Tim Hadfield, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Camdenton R-III School District
Police said in light of recent school violence, they want parents to discuss the seriousness of making threatening statements with their children. Police said they also encourage students to report concerning comments because it could prevent a tragedy.
Officials did not release the name of the student taken to the juvenile detention center.