Overdose reversal drug continues to save Missouri lives

The opioid overdose reversal drug Narcan has saved thousands of lives in Missouri.
The Department of Health and Senior Services reports Narcan has been used 4,298 times and saved 4,108 lives since December 2016.
Carole Jones lost her 17-year-old son to an overdose in 2010 and said she believes Narcan could have saved his life.
“If somebody in our house would have had it available then, you know, maybe our story would have had a different ending,” she said.
Jones has gone through drug treatment for her own addiction and currently works as a counselor at a drug and alcohol treatment facility.
“I get to help families hopefully not go through what we went through,” she said.
Narcan has been used 16 times in Cole County and saved 14 lives. It has been administered 38 times in Boone County and saved 33 lives, according to the DHSS.
For access to Narcan you can contact: the Missouri Recovery Network in Jefferson City or non-emergency first responders can contact Karen Wallace at the MORE Project.
A statewide order allows Missourians to get Narcan from a pharmacy without a prescription.
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