Last night’s storms could help improve drought in northern Missouri
Last week’s drought monitor showed some areas in mid-Missouri under abnormally dry conditions, with northern Missouri under a moderate drought. This week Missouri saw improvements in drought conditions as northern Missouri received up to 3-6 inches of rain last week.
The latest drought monitor shows no drought in mid-Missouri, but in northern Missouri 11 counties are currently under a moderate drought, with even broader areas under abnormally dry conditions.
Last night a passing cold front brought some much needed rain through northern Missouri and into mid-Missouri. Heaviest rainfall totals were located north of I-70, where the rain was needed the most. Kirksville saw rainfall totals exceeding 3″. In mid-Missouri, there was localized areas of moderate rainfall, with greatest totals exceeding 1″. As the storms weakened traveling through the state, most areas saw under .5″ of rain.
The increase in moisture from last night will likely keep mid-Mo out of the abnormally dry conditions, along with helping improve the moderate drought in northern Missouri.