Nixon outlines security plans in Ferguson ahead of grand jury decision
Governor Nixon held a news conference in Weldon Spring Tuesday afternoon to outline law enforcement and security plans ahead of a grand jury decision in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.
Brown was allegedly shot on August 9 by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson.
Brown’s parents told CNN if there is no indictment in the case, they will protest. “The fight is not over,” they said.
Nixon opened the news conference by saying people should be able to walk the streets, walk to school, and keep their businesses open and feel safe.
In reference to the looting and violence back in August, Nixon said, “That ugliness is not representative of Missouri, and cannot be repeated.”
The Governor said multiple agencies will be ready to work together when the grand jury decision comes down, including city, county, and the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
Nixon said the National Guard will be on standby if needed, and additional equipment can be brought in. The Department of Public Safety has distributed additional communications equipment to ensure quality communication between agencies.
Combined, Nixon noted that all of these agencies have 5,000 hours of training to be prepared for more violence or protests if Wilson is not indicted.
A decision in the case is expected to come by the end of the month.