Shelters Fill in Cold Temps
Monday night’s chilly forecast had ABC 17 News crews checking in with Columbia and Jefferson City shelters.As of 9 p.m on Monday night, out of the 67 beds available at the Harbor House only two cots, one woman’s bed and one family room were open.At that same point all of the men’s beds were full. The Director of the Harbor House told our crews despite how full they are, they do not anticipate turning anyone away. The Hope House in Jefferson City was almost full as of 9 p.m. with four openings for men and three for women. People in need can get there anytime of night to stay.Doctor told ABC 17 News when it gets this cold, the risk for frost bite exists even if people are wearing gloves. After an extended period of time people can start to experience symptoms including discoloration, change in sensation and stiffness. Other crucial areas to protect are people’s nose and ears.The longer someone is out in these temperatures the more likely they will start to get sleepy and develop a headache.