Business leaders react to Wednesday’s riots in Washington

Corporate America is speaking out forcefully against Wednesday’s riots in Washington, in which the US Capitol was breached by supporters of President Donald Trump.
The US Capitol is once again secured but four people died during the chaos that engulfed the nation’s capital after Trump urged his supporters to fight against the ceremonial counting of the electoral votes that will confirm President-elect Joe Biden’s win.
Executives and representatives from several prominent American companies and trade groups denounced the events. The National Association of Manufacturers, one of the most influential business groups in the United States, even called on Vice President Mike Pence to consider removing President Donald Trump from office.
Others expressed their shock and horror, calling the chaos a “dark day for our democracy” and “appalling.” Here are some of the reactions.
American Bankers Association: “This is a dark day for our democracy. The violence playing out on Capitol Hill and in the streets of Washington is reprehensible and should shock and sadden all of us. Our nation is better than this.”
Stephen J. Squeri, chairman and CEO of American Express: “The chaos unfolding in the nation’s capital is the result of unlawful efforts to overturn the legitimate results of a democratic election. The country deserves better. “
Tim Cook, CEO of Apple: “Today marks a sad and shameful chapter in our nation’s history. Those responsible for this insurrection should be held to account, and we must complete the transition to President-elect Biden’s administration. It’s especially when they are challenged that our ideals matter most.”
Stephen Schwarzman, chairman, CEO and co-founder of Blackstone: “The insurrection that followed the President’s remarks today is appalling and an affront to the democratic values we hold dear as Americans. I am shocked and horrified by this mob’s attempt to undermine our constitution. As I said in November, the outcome of the election is very clear and there must be a peaceful transition of power.”
Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America: “Today’s appalling events in our nation’s capital underscore the urgent need for all Americans to unite behind one of our most cherished principles: the peaceful transfer of power that has happened without interruption since our country’s founding. We must move forward together peacefully, respectfully and with a singular, shared focus on our American ideals.”
Chevron: “We call for the peaceful transition of the US government. The violence in Washington, D.C. tarnishes a two-century tradition of respect for the rule of law. We look forward to engaging with President-elect Biden and his administration to move the nation forward.”
Chuck Robbins, CEO of Cisco: “What is happening in our nation’s capital is appalling and saddening. The United States has long served as a beacon of democracy, and today we are reminded of both its importance and fragility. Cisco condemns the violence we have witnessed today & call for it to end immediately. It’s time to recognize the legitimate democratic process, ensure a peaceful transition of power and come back together as one nation.”
Guy Rosen and Monika Bickert, vice presidents at Facebook: “Let us speak for the leadership team in saying what so many of us are feeling. We are appalled by the violence at the Capitol today. We are treating these events as an emergency.”
Jim Farley, CEO of Ford: “The Ford Motor Company condemns the violent and antidemocratic actions today. These were destructive acts against our shared principles and beliefs of a peaceful transition of power. We commit to working together, with respect and empathy, to uphold core American values.”
David M. Solomon, chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs: “For years, our democracy has built a reservoir of goodwill around the world that brings important benefits for our citizens. Recently, we have squandered that goodwill at an alarming pace, and today’s attack on the US Capitol does further damage. It’s time for all Americans to come together and move forward with a peaceful transition of power. We have to begin reinvesting in our democracy and rebuilding the institutions that have made America an exceptional nation.”
Alfred Kelly, Jr., chairman and CEO of Visa: “I am shocked and saddened by what I’ve seen today. We at Visa stand 100% behind the results of the election and the collective voices of the citizens of this country. We are fully supportive of a smooth transition of power which has been the case for almost two and a half centuries. In this time of intense anxiety for our country and the world, I continue to have tremendous faith in the resilience of our United States institutions.”