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Trump holds wide lead over GOP field ahead of Iowa caucuses, poll finds

CNN By Jennifer Agiesta, CNN (CNN) — Former President Donald Trump holds a wide lead over his Republican presidential competitors among likely GOP caucusgoers in Iowa, the final Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom poll before Monday’s caucuses found. Overall, 48% of likely caucusgoers say Trump would be their first choice, 20% name former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley,

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Trump holds wide lead over GOP field ahead of Iowa caucuses, poll finds

By Jennifer Agiesta, CNN (CNN) — Former President Donald Trump holds a wide lead over his Republican presidential competitors among likely GOP caucusgoers in Iowa, the final Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom poll before Monday’s caucuses found. Overall, 48% of likely caucusgoers say Trump would be their first choice, 20% name former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and

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Kentucky Rep. Hal Rogers in ‘good condition’ after DC car accident

By Andrew Millman, CNN (CNN) — Kentucky Rep. Hal Rogers, the dean of the House, “is in good condition” following a car accident in the Washington, DC, area Wednesday evening, according to a statement released Friday by Rogers’ office. The statement said the 86-year-old Kentucky Republican, one of the House’s longest-serving members, was “involved in a car accident

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Iowans weigh Trump’s legal woes as they decide who to back in caucuses

By Arit John, CNN Ames, Iowa (CNN) — Teresa Garman has attended decades worth of Iowa caucuses, but views Monday’s meeting as the most consequential. Despite forecasts predicting negative temperatures, the 86-year-old Ames resident said the cold wouldn’t deter her from showing up to back Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – even if she doesn’t think he’ll beat former President

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